Kā vēsta britu tabloīds “The Sun”, Kembridžas hercogs Viljams aprīlī izslimojis ar Covid-19, bet nav šo faktu publiskojis, jo uztraucies, ka šāda ziņa izraisīs paniku sabiedrībā.

Lielbritānija jau pavasarī bija viena no vīrusa smagāk skartajām valstīm Eiropā. Kā vēsta izdevums, 38 gadus vecajam trīs bērnu tēvam Viljamam, kurš ir otrais rindā uz troni aiz tēva, slimības gaitā bijušas arī elpošanas grūtības. Viņu aprūpējuši karaļnama mediķi.

Viņš saslimis aptuveni tad pat, kad tika ziņots par viņa tēva, troņmantinieka Čārlza slimību, tāpat slimnīcas intensīvajā aprūpē pabija britu premjers Boriss Džonsons.

Šobrīd Lielbritānijā ir vairāk nekā viens miljons slimnieku un no ceturtdienas valstī ieviesta karantīna, lai apturētu epidēmijas otro vilni.



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? Behind the scenes with the @PrideofBritain Awards — tune in to watch the Awards on Sunday 1st November at 9pm on ITV ? • The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge presented a Pride of Britain award on behalf of the nation ?? to recognise the incredible work of our NHS frontline staff in the battle against coronavirus. • At St Bartholomew’s, the UK’s oldest hospital, The Duke said: “We cannot thank you enough. On behalf of a grateful nation, it is a tremendous honour for Catherine and I to present a special recognition award to the army of dedicated NHS staff.” • The Duchess added: “Through our conversations with frontline workers during the pandemic, we have been inspired by their stories of bravery and selflessness.” • During lockdown, we joined people up and down the country to applaud the NHS and our keyworkers each week. Their hard work still goes on and we remain indebted to them for all they do.

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